Digital Inclusion

Digital inclusion

Struggling with using your phone/tablet? Want to become more confident using the internet? Our Monday morning session aims to support you to show the benefits of using digital services in your day-to-day life.

Supported by our committed volunteers, you are welcome to drop in and work through any issue you might have. We encourage people to bring whatever device you might have at home, so we can best support you. We can also offer the use of some of our PCs in our reception area. As part of our warm spaces funding, this session is free and we can provide lunch as part of the session.

Reference Library available – Everything you ever wanted to know about your smartphone!

Well maybe not everything, but almost… After over a year of Drop-in sessions on Monday mornings at The Project we’ve sorted out so many problems and difficulties that many of our members are getting pretty good at using their phone online for much more than the basic tasks. Getting bus times, getting GP appointments, sharing photos with the family, and so much more. But now, it’s all been encapsulated in a series of books that we have from The Helpful Book Company, and you can use these for reference, available at Reception (but please don’t take them away). 

There’s one on the iPhone, and another on Android phones, and using clear pictures and step by step instructions they help you master your phone, plus there’s another that goes through all the popular Apps. They cost about £13 each and if you want your own copy of any of these then we have arranged for a reduced price for members too.

We’ll be adding to this mini-library soon, or do join us at 11 on Monday mornings, simply come along to see how we get on, and you never know you could become a bit of an expert on your smartphone too.


The Project.


Monday 11:00am – 1:00pm

How Much



No transport available for this activity.

The Furzedown Project.

91/93 Moyser Road, London SW16 6SJ

Call: 020 8677 4283

Charity Number 1076087