Monday Get-together and CAMEO talks

Come along on Monday afternoons for our friendly get-together with a cuppa and lots of friendly chat.
As well as a chance to relax and socialise, we often have health-focused and well-being sessions with specialists sharing their expertise.
On the first Monday of every month we host C.A.M.E.O. sessions – Come And Meet Each Other – A great chance to to talk and share stories. Featuring anyone who volunteers to talk about their life and adventures for a few minutes – whilst enjoying refreshments together.
Members have shared their experiences of a wartime childhood, running a marathon and writing a biography…
If you’d like to be one of our speakers, please tell Sandra or the office
Sessions are held at The Furzedown Project.
The group meets every Monday afternoon from 2:00pm to 3:30pm.
How Much
Each session costs £2.
Transport is available for people who need help getting to our Monday Get-Together. The cost of the minibus for a return journey is £2.