Our Board of Trustees

Our centre is run by a Board of Trustees, whose responsibility it is to ensure the strategic running of the centre, to support the staff in their work, and to ensure Furzedown Project is a place where older people feel they want to be.

Every year at our AGM, we appoint our board of trustees for the coming year. The trustees meet seven times a year, and support the decision-making of the centre. If you feel you would make a good trustee, you may approach the manager of the centre, or the chair or vice-chair of trustees.

Each year our Board of Trustees hold our Annual General Meeting to show the work we have been doing over the year. You may like to read our current report Here.

Chair: Graham Loveland; Treasurer Liz Sayce; Sue Pearson; Rosemary Scott; Martin Beaver; Martine Davies; Moira Harbord; Su Wardrop; Jeff Pickering;

H/R Support:

Aims: As we are constantly being monitored by the Council and all the funding bodies that we receive financial support/grants from, it is essential
• to provide valid information about the running of the Project
• to refresh or update existing policies and procedures ie; Health and Safety: Access: Equal Opportunities: Quality Control: Training: etc.
• To review staffing issues ie; pay and conditions, performance related pay, retention; professional development; job descriptions; annual leave etc.

Fundraising Support:

• Continue traditional project fundraising events ie; Christmas and Easter Fayres, Plant Sales, Bric-a-Brac Sales, Raffles. And develop other forms of fundraising eg; Car-boot sales, ebay sales, recipe book, evening meal event and any other suggestions.
• Develop other ties with the local community ie; presence at School’s or Church’s events.
•Grant applications
• Explore donation giving through ‘friends of project’, Sponsorships, Gifts in Wills etc

Talks and Activities:

• To organise interesting and stimulating talks and events
• Target to have at least three talks per year – some just for Project members, others open to the whole community with fundraising potential
• Develop new activities that address different needs or can bring in new members and income
• Continue involvement with local community events ie; Furzedown Festival Big Day Out, Christmas Market


• To maintain and develop the Project’s website
• Online communication ie Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc
• To keep news and information up to date, with window posters, newsletters and Annual Report
• To produce printed assets to promote activities in The Project, volunteering and it’s outreach work

Catering and events:

• To provide refreshments for the AGM, events and Christmas Party

The Furzedown Project.

91/93 Moyser Road, London SW16 6SJ

Call: 020 8677 4283

Charity Number 1076087